
Monday, September 30, 2019

Belonging Notes Essay

†¢ Different environment& atmosphere contributes to our sense of belonging. †¢ Adapting after a while strengthens the sense of belonging, knowing the place a bit, feeling comfortable. †¢ Shifting back to civilization, feels out of place, not belonging, shifting in with different surrounding. †¢ Upbringing places a part in our sense of belonging †¢ Technology-internet-find someone with the same interest and sense of belonging kicks in. E.g. Facebook, Twitter, Bebo, Myspace. †¢ Perspective of others shifts our sense of belonging †¢ Obstacles and struggling creates a feel of not belonging and break apart a sense of security. †¢ Enjoyment and change of attitude (positive) helps build sense of belonging. †¢ After being placed in a different place, conditions, our experience alters our sense of belonging Example: Going on holidays and returning home, takes a period of time to feel the feeling of belonging again. †¢ Preparation doesn’t help with the sense of belonging. †¢ Being familiar to the way and knowing the comfort zone (when you are at a place you don’t know/never been to) – supports sense of belonging. †¢ Stereotype media – acceptance only through appearance- determining whether you belong or not. †¢ Belonging is a choice. †¢ Knowledge and stereotype makes others feel like they don’t belong. †¢ No desire to change – belonging †¢ Belonging is a journey †¢ Individuals don’t feel like they belong due to self and the desire to not change. †¢ Belonging is everywhere, what you wear makes you belong to a certain brand, it all comes down to you whether you want to belong& who wants you to belong. Remember along with â€Å"belonging† there is always â€Å"isolation† that follows. Responses †¢ Stronger responses – shows the relationship/ significant between texts. †¢ Why do people do the things? – REPRESENATION e.g. why does the characters do those actions/ Why has the author/ artist/ producer make or use certain  techniques instead of the others. * Choice of language, form, features and structure shape the meaning and influence responses. The choices are affluent by a composer’s sense of belonging. †¢ How is the concept of belonging conveyed through the text, people, relationships, ideas, places, events and society? †¢ Does it make a difference where the character belongs? †¢ Share some values of feelings -understanding a world in a different way – shape in a peculiar way, different society- assumption to being Australian. †¢ Possibility present by a sense of belonging or not belonging Perception †¢ How an individual perception of belonging or not can vary, is shaped by his/her personal, cultural, historical and social context. ASPECTS OF BELONGING: †¢ Experiences †¢ Notion of identity †¢ Relationship †¢ Acceptance †¢ Understanding FORMULA TO ANSWER QUESTIONS: †¢ Identify †¢ Exemplify †¢ Explain †¢ Extrapolate SHORT STORY!: †¢ Do not abuse the concept of belonging too strongly †¢ Don’t use the word belonging †¢ Exclusion, acceptance, struggle †¢ Keep it simple, focus on the concept †¢ IMAGERY!- BOLD, CREATIVE COMBINATIONS TO ACHIEVE ORIGINALITY †¢ Simile, metaphor or personification †¢ SHOW DON’T TELL †¢ Short story-hook reader in the first two lines, straight into action †¢ Explode a moment, two characters, one setting †¢ READ SHORT STORIES †¢ Turning point-climax-should not be death-with too quick-carefully state the relationship. TWIST&A TALE †¢ Dramatic beginning †¢ AVOID-irrelevant background info on your character †¢ Character should be revealed through dialogue and actors. †¢ Avoid: lots of internal dialogue †¢ Use experience of own †¢ Close to own world-reflect truth (you can utilize jargon to add a little touch of truth.) †¢ Use paragraphs! †¢ AVOID romance (genre) &Fantasy†¦ YOU HAVE 40 minutes to WRITE A DECENT STORY! †¢ Allow the audience to add to the story †¢ DO NOT CONCENTRATE ON THE PLOT – YOU WANT TO SHOW BELONGING! †¢ Recommended to be 4 PGS †¢ Note: The creative writing section to Paper One does not have to be a narrative. EXAM †¢ Have at least two great storylines YOU CAN TWIST to suit any type of belonging questions. †¢ Remembering a story can be risky especially if you walk into the exam and through the reading time, you might have a panic attack. Dos & DON’Ts †¢ Let the Q drive and shape your response †¢ Blend your understanding of belonging with the question †¢ DON’T put the questions in your introduction †¢ Thesis or statement throughout response – A MUST †¢ Use the text to support or challenge the thesis or concepts †¢ SPECIFIC TOPIC+ ATTITUDE/ANGLE/ARGUMENT=THESIS †¢ What you plan to argue +how you plan to argue it=THESIS †¢ DO NOT RE-COUNT OR RE-TELL TEXT †¢ ANALYSIS&EVALUATE TEXT †¢ NO OPINION FOR READERS ESSAY STUFF 1. Thesis-map guide reader 2. Connection between text, comparison or pattern 3. Techniques and contrasts 4. Use cohesive devices E.g. similarity, by contrast, parallel 5. Use topic sentences 6. Support all statement with references to text 7. Vocab for belonging – the better your vocab and structure contributes to an AWESOME MARKS! 8. Quotes + short quotes – support what you say, don’t put any quotes that does not support thesis. (Short quotes are best, try to integrate them in your sentence& they are easier to remember – it’ll provide the flow for the reader/marker when they are reading†¦. Remember they are reading a trillion PAPERS with some hideous handwriting.) Related pieces FILM †¢ JUST FIND ONE PART OR SECTION TO ANALYSIS †¢ PICK TEXT THAT MAKES READER STAND UP-FIND OWN †¢ Integrate the HOW techniques+ make it personal †¢ Don’t try to write everything down: capture key points †¢ 3-5 related pieces recommended BUT THREE SHOULD BE MORE THAN ENOUGH! Things to remember when choosing your related texts: †¢ Try and get a variety of different types. E.g. If you are doing a novel, go searching for a visual piece such as a film or artwork or a picture book. E.g. Frida Kahlo, Kathe Kollwitz. †¢ QUALITY: Do something that you know not many people will do; YOU WANT TO STAND OUT OF THE CROWD and show the markers you know your stuff. †¢ Make sure you can connect your text to belonging†¦ REMEMBER it does not have to be similar to your prescribed text as long as it has some sort of representation of belonging. †¢ Does it play your strength? Try to do something you are passionate or interested in. You will do so much better. †¢ DO NOT FORGET YOUR THESIS! SHORT ANSWERS †¢ Be Specific †¢ Can capitalize on other answers to answer another question. †¢ WRITE ACCORDING TO MARKS – if it id worth two marks DON’T write HALF A PAGE! †¢ TIMING- BALANCE!!! †¢ In this section LOOK for anything that symbolizes a connection, affiliation, relationship AND OF COURSE BELONGING! †¢ Main questions are HOW? & WHAT? 11 points concerning belonging 1. Family 2. Friends 3. Belonging to place/national identity 4. Race 5. Religion 6. Political 7. Profession 8. Lifestyle 9. Learn spirit& shared identity When studying for English. †¢ HAND WRITE!!! †¢ TIME yourself †¢ Find a quiet environment where you will not be disturbed for a certain time. †¢ PRACTICE! Break down the paper if you want †¢ Get any questions on â€Å"Belonging† pick up your pen and WRITE&WRITE! †¢ The teachers are there for a REASON SO USE THEM- this goes for all subjects! If you don’t understand something shovel your hand up in the air, it is likely that others don’t understand it too OR chase after them at recess/lunch. †¢ Place quotes around the house like a crazy person on colorful cardboard and stick them around the house WHERE YOU KNOW you will always see them. †¢ When you have time do not leave it to the last minute. Grab your notes out and start cutting it down. It is a killer when you have to do it A WEEK before the actual HSC exams. †¢ If you know your stuff, you should be confident in crashing and burning the HSC AOS English paper!

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Essay on Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of the English People

England has always been a strong point of Christianity, as such, the difficult times that came from the conquest of the territory by the Romans up to the moment when finally Henry VIII decides to separate from the Vatican and â€Å"their deceptions†; making of England one of the most important places where Christian history has been made.During such times of change, despite the different forces that shaped and misshaped the path of faith and religion in England, some conducts remained unchanged such as the belief that a person should focus only in what was adequate according to the standards that the Vatican had stated that were adequate.The first four chapters of Bede’s book only refer to England in the way it was formed, the benefits and paradisiacal surroundings that both England and its surrounding neighbours had to offer in terms of water, soil, vegetation and even animals. In the first book, Bede makes a strong point of reference in the martyrdom that British Chri stians suffered at the hands of the Roman conquistador empire. It is interesting the difference between other martyr books and references to the ones that Bede states in the book. Jack 2Here, therefore, the head of most courageous martyr was struck off, and here he received the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love Him. But he who gave the wicked stroke, was not permitted to rejoice over the deceased; for his eyes dropped upon the ground together with the blessed martyr's head. (Bede, Book 1:VII, 51-52) Other accounts only make strong points of the punishment that God allegedly gives those who inflict the martyrdom in cases against the female virtue and those where the executor is a member of their own family.Though it is not evidently put, the writing of Bede actually infers that God will claim vengeance to anyone that dares raise an arm against His Flock. In the second book, Bede leaves behind the martyrdom that suffered the Brits at the hands of the Romans and d eepens into the creation of the modern day Britannica form of beliefs. It seems that as a result of the preceding changes and strength that the martyrs of days before provided the Christian belief in England gave the Church sufficient hold to unite then flourishing Kingdom by respecting religious festivities such as Easter time.It should be noted that by the time that Bede is making reference to evidently St. Agustin (or Agustine to some authors) makes no reference to an Irish saint: Saint Patrick that had sufficient leverage among the clergy of the time. Almost 300 years have passed between the death of Albas martyr and the next evident miracle in Bede’s book, the time when Bishop Mellitus by simple prayers suffocates a fire. Jack 3And thus the man of God, whose mind was inflamed with the fire of Divine charity, and who was wont to drive away the powers of the air by his frequent prayers, from doing harm to himself, or his people, was deservedly allowed to prevail over the w orldly winds and flames, and to obtain that they should not injure him or his. (Bede, Book 2:VII, 114-115) According to Bede it is only through the power of prayer and a meditative life, succumbed to the will, power and guidance of God (through the church) that any person can command any forces of nature and prevent damage, injury or even death.So far Bede has been able to demonstrate the power and benefits of being a truthful Christian to those readers without dabbling into politics. However, by book three, Bede can make a strong statement of this since Chapter I, when he states that a Christian king (Oswald) can restitute the faith of the people in the nation and in his own kingship. One of the most important things to remember when reading this book is that monarchies were believed to be granted by God Himself, thus it was a â€Å"divine right†.Most of Book three is devoted to two main characters: King Oswald who vaguely resembles king Arthur in the importance that he rece ives from this historian as a God following king who, happened to be so saint that even after being slaughtered in battle performed miracles. The other person of importance is Bishop Aidan who was a strong supporter of King Oswald’s piety actions, much like the wizard Merlin in King Arthur’s descriptions; this was a particularly important character in the development of the king’s ruling.Jack 4 However, it seems that when the kingdom lacked of religious stability, the worst circumstances were present: In the above ¬mentioned year of the aforesaid eclipse, which was presently followed by the pestilence, in which also Bishop Colman, being overcome by the unanimous consent of the Catholics, returned home, Deusdedit, the sixth bishop of the church of Canterbury, died on the I4th of July.Erconbert, also, king of Kent, departed this life the same month and day; leaving his kingdom to his son Egbert, (Bede, Book 4:I, 204) It seems interesting that a terrible disease such as pestilence (or plague) might have been deemed common enough not to deserve any of the religious teachings that the book of Bede is full of. There are no prayers that will stop or detain the disease in its tracks, but more over, it refers to mundane affairs such as the setting the affairs in order of a specific archbishop.Despite this, most of the book is full of miracles that happened during the pestilence, people who in their dying beds saw the Glory of Heaven or deaths that were simply â€Å"heavenly† with no pain or misery. Naturally, as the book progresses in dates, other important events happen; such as the assassination of royal heirs, though not in the way that Shakespearian artists would do, but simply stating that anyone who knows the basis of Christianity will deem his or her Jack 5life in little value because the promise of everlasting life would conquer their hearts in a moment. Finally, book five speaks of basically the same things than the other four boo ks, nonetheless, chapter XII has a significant detail: Having stood there a long time in much dread, not knowing what to do, which way to turn, or what end I might expect, on a sudden I heard behind me the noise of a most hideous and wretched lamentation, and at the same time a loud laughing, as of a rude multitude insulting captured enemies.When that noise, growing plainer, came up to me, I observed a gang of evil spirits dragging the howling and lamenting souls of men into the midst of the darkness, whilst they themselves laughed and rejoiced. Among those men, as I could discern, there was one shorn like a clergyman, a layman, and a woman. (Bede, Book 5:XII, 286) The importance of this description is the imagery that it gives, since this description until our days souls in purgatory damnation have been depicted in the same way and even using the same three human elements: The clergyman, the layman and the woman.Nonetheless, the entire chapter portrays a vision quite similar to the one that Dante provides almost 600 years later: An afterlife divided into sections that are populated by those who are â€Å"less than perfect†, â€Å"barely repented† and â€Å"outwardly evil†. Just like Jack 6 Dante, the visionary in Bede’s book five chapter twelve has a guidance that explains things to him so that he might return to life and tell everyone. What is the truth? Well, it is difficult to state it.According to the Bible, Jesus came to earth to create a final covenant, one of the eternal love and forgiveness; nevertheless, the Church had gone out of their way to create an environment of fear and uncertainty. During the time of Bede, it is evident that Church in England used hell and purgatory as means of control and coercion both in social and political atmospheres. Undoubtedly, the use of these â€Å"boogie men† for the society in early Christianity and the first years of medieval era was beneficial providing church and rulers with s ufficient authority to handle and create empires.Would it work nowadays? Yes it will as it has begun to work with the new age belief; the uncertainty of what lies beyond the natural death is something that will present a problem in the human mind; as a result, whatever we can find that will soothe us will become a leverage for those who provide it to us. Jack 7 Works Cited Bede, Ecclesiastical History of the English People, Penguin Classics, revised edition, May 1991. Bede, Ecclesiastical History of the English People, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1969 Internet medieval source book November 30th,2008

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Daphne Scholinski the Last Time I Wore a Dress

Daphne Scholinski’s memoir The Last Time I Wore A Dress is a touching narrative of a girl who was misunderstood. Throughout her childhood and young adulthood, Daphne struggled with identifying with her feelings. Daphne was constantly searching for an answer to why she felt different. Daphne wanted to â€Å"fit in† but she knew she was unconventional. The different labels she was given through out her psychiatric stay stuck with her and left a scar of how she was once perceived. Daphne had very low self esteem through out her childhood. This is because her parents ignored her and gave her little affection. She didn’t even notice when I walked out of her apartment, ran down the stairs,† (Scholinski 4). Her self esteem was worse at her dads house than her moms, however, her relationship with Frank made her very uncomfortable when she would travel into Chicago because she didn’t want to see him. Daphne wanted to be tough; when she hung out on the streets with her gang she needed everyone around her to see her toughness. Her gang saw that she was strong in side and out; this made them respect her. The respect shown by the gang is why Daphne tries to act tough at every new place she goes. Daphne wants to gain respect from them. Daphne knows she looks like a boy but the tough persona given off by this makes Daphne accept it. The people around Daphne treat her like a boy. â€Å"I landed a punch on Louis’ shoulder and he was dead serious looking at me, trying to figure out how to come back at me, but I had him blocked and he decided I passed and Joey agreed,† (Scholinski 71). The Disciples gives her positive feed back abut her boyish look and behavior, this is why she enjoys those memories. However her Dad and Mom are confused by it and they don’t know what to do with her. Her fellow patient’s have their own problems so Daphne’s gender issue doesn’t bother them, although the Doctor’s are highly concerned. At every psychiatric facilities that she is a patient at the Dr. ’s try to break ground with the issue with Daphne. As soon as this happens Daphne losses trust in them and she starts to pull away. She know that this is the root of her problem and she try’s to avoid it at all costs. She is afraid of their perception of her and if she will have to change. Daphne goes through a metamorphosis through her memoir. As a child she acts the way she feels so she is only doing what is natural to her. Because there s violence in her house she acts violent and because she feels like a boy she dresses like a boy. She viewed her as tough and that doesn’t change. However her thoughts of being an under achiever change after her self esteem is restored, which doesn’t fully happen until her stay at the Wilson Cente r. The Wilson Center is where she has the best perceptions of herself; she feels independent, smart, fun, and friendly. Daphne had a very hard time understanding her thoughts and feelings until the Wilson Center. The patients are who gave Daphne strength, the positive environment let Daphne explore who she was and relax and have fun. The Wilson center represents the adolescence that she should have had. The Dr. ’s still make her feel uncomfortable when the gender issue arrises but Daphne can cop with it better because she likes where she is. Meeting Valerie led her to discover her homosexual feelings. It wasn’t the initial meeting of Valerie but later in Daphne’s life she released her true feelings towards women which is the biggest change of all. The reason why Daphne was originally admitted into the Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center is due to the fact that her parents couldn’t and didn’t want to handle her anymore. Her violent outbursts and rude behavior was in response to the way her Dad treated her but also her own frustrations dealing with her identity crises on her own. The Dr. ’s viewed her gender non-conformity as a bad habit and wanted Daphne to change her appearance. Daphne new that if she changed her appearance the Doctors wouldn’t bother her about it anymore. However Daphne couldn’t do this because its not how she felt. The Doctor’s viewed Daphne as choosing to act this way not Daphne needing to act this way. Each culture establishes gender ideals and the people within that culture follow them. The non-conformist in some cases, like Daphne, are prosecuted for not complying. I feel that this is wrong, To make everyone fit into a type is not necessary because not everyone likes those choices. Daphne was only doing what felt best for her and their is nothing wrong with wanting to feel comfortable. Making Daphne wear makeup for points didn’t do anything in the long run because Daphne didn’t change her ways. Rules like these are the essentialist beliefs that ruled all of the institutions. The essentialist beliefs in the institutions was boys should act and dress like â€Å"boys† and girls needed to act and dress like â€Å"girl†. Michael Reese facility wanted Daphne to wear tighter fitting clothes, nicer shirts, and act girly. Daphne conformed and like the extra attention from boys but I feel like this confused her and led to why she didn’t like being there. During her entire stay at Michael Reese she wasn’t fully being herself creating another identity so she wouldn’t have to face herself. Another essentialist belief of the institutions is if you do what we, the staff, says you will get better. At Forest Hospital Daphne was even farther away from herself at first. Daphne lied about drug addiction and they wouldn’t believe her when she said she lied. They wanted her to tell the truth but she was and this caused a major conflict for Daphne. Daphne viewed institutions such as family and school with little to no trust. This is because she felt that they failed her. â€Å"How come no one ever says school is failing me? † (Scholinski 15). Instead she received a you failed them attitude from everyone. Her lack of trust towards her family is because they were not affectionate towards her and instead gave her the violent tendencies she struggles with. Violence is a theme that dictated a lot of Daphne’s problems. Her Dad was verbally and physically abusive and this environment didn’t give Daphne and her sister the love they needed. Her Mom was not violent towards Daphne, however, where her mom lived allowed Daphne to find other outlets for her budding violent behavior, such as the Disciples. These violent actions she took part in allowed Daphne to act out her frustration with in herself, although he parents eventually couldn’t hand her anymore and turned her over to Michael Reese. Through out her psychiatric stay Daphne used violence to gain respect because this is the only way she knew how to gain it. As Daphne changed and began to understand herself her violent actions diminished. The Trials and the Triumphs of the Transgendered explains the anxiety and depression that can come as baggage to a gender crisis. Daphne dealt with this her entire life because she nor anyone else knew how to categorize her. This research article also explains the questions that one has to manage on a daily basis because of their gender disassociation. Along with the standards of care for Gender Identity Disorders, â€Å"because dysphoria is currently listed as a psychological disorder, transgendered people are assumed to be mentally ill,† (Moffic 3). Moffic gives tips at the end to help Doctor’s with patients that have gender Identity disorders. Daphne’s doctor’s would have benefited from confronting staff about prejudicial behaviors, empower their patients to the discussions, and keep transgender possibility in mind. Daphne’s doctor’s were fixated on changing Daphne to an average girl. When in instead they should have been guiding Daphne to have her be able to understand why she is this way and that there’s nothing wrong with it. Daphne’s struggles was an insightful look at how you can’t change what feels right for you. Through out Daphne’s life she was drawn to being a boy. Instead of changing how she felt she learned that this is good for her. This is how people should view gender identity disorders but people are afraid of the unknown. Daphne’s strength is paving the way to new thinking and understanding of this disorder. The LGBT has come a long way and everyday their efforts to inform us on how they want to be treated equally is allowing them to gain more acceptance. Our society is slowly changing for the better and hopefully one day LGBT won’t have any labels.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Business Propostion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Propostion - Research Paper Example The use of social networking websites increased with the innovation of gadgets. The study will lay emphasis on how the management of Stone Goose can utilize the benefits of social media tools for the smooth execution of marketing activities. Table of Contents Executive Summary 4 Table of Contents 7 Introduction 12 Value Added Benefit of Social Media Marketing Tools 17 Usage of Social Marketing Platforms 22 Implementation of Social Media Platforms 27 Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud Model 32 Incorporating Social Media Policy 37 Conclusion 40 Introduction Social networking is defined as an online community that allows people to develop profiles of their backgrounds and interests, communicate with friends and strangers, and share thoughts, photos, Internet links, music etc (Vermaat & Shelly 2006).The utility of the social media tools is prevalent and websites like Facebook, Twitter and Linked In are gaining recognition because of its usage by billions of people worldwide for professi onal and personal uses. The business organizations are developing several social media policies which help providing new opportunities to the organization for networking and attracting new clients, recruitment and marketing of services and promotion of brands with minimum of financial commitment. Many organizations encourage the use of social media in most of the marketing activities but they are also aware of the benefits of social media are associated with huge number of risks. These organizations actively encourage the usage of sales of business development and also branding of marketing and services. Social media policy helps in setting out standards that an organization expects from the employees while their usage of social media marketing for various online media marketing activities. The social media policies serves purposeful and acts like a guidance for the employers and employees in helping them to distinguish in the course of employment and also help in setting out the di fferent course of actions which can lead to possible consequences which help the employees in breaching the policy. The benefits of the social media marketing tools will help in marking out new business development ideas which will outweigh the risks associated with each of the project. The organizations will recognize the risks associated with the organization and give a certain level of protection for their marketing activities. Value Added Benefit of Social Media Marketing Tools The marketing mix will serve purposeful in construction of planning and implementation of social marketing programs which is designed specifically to encourage the behavioral change. Price, place, product and promotional activities are some of the important central elements which are pivotal for social marketing campaigns and help in reaching out to a desired social media target and also come to a unified social media decision (Merrill, Kenneth, Navetta & Santalesa, 2010). The new communication model help s in giving the social marketers a challenge to reach the desired target and goals. The new form of communication model gives the social marketer an opportunity and also a platform to attain a desired target. The new communication model facilitates uniformed managerial decision making and also helps them in arriving at a unified critical decision points. These critical points allow the social market

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Legalization Of Marijuana Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Legalization Of Marijuana - Essay Example As you know, we are living in a world in which legalization of physician assisted suicide or mercy killing is gaining grounds. In other words, current people are more interested in getting rid of a painful life. If marijuana can help the patients in avoiding pain, then the people should be allowed to use it in order to prevent them from opting for mercy killing. Too many people in America are leading a painful life because of cancer like severe diseases. Such people are continuing their life in a no hope condition. If we legalize marijuana use in America, such people will be benefitted immensely. It should be noted that marijuana use is legalized in some of the states in America at present. The doctors are prescribing marijuana as a medicine in such states. At the same time many other states in America are still not allowing the patients to use marijuana. Being a federal republic, America should have a unique law in this case. Rebecca Roth (2008) has mentioned that â€Å"to date, ma rijuana is still classified as an illegal Schedule 1 drug by the Controlled Substances Act. It is defined as having "no accepted medical use in treatment in the United States" (Roth, 2008). American Federal courts are still treating marijuana use as a crime even if it is used by the patients to get rid of the pain. Mr President, it is really illogical to prevent the patients from using marijuana and putting them in painful darkness. The major argument against the legalization of marijuana use is the possibility of side effects it can generate later in the user’s life. It is illogical to argue like that. It should be noted that smoking is injurious to health; still there is no legal restrictions upon the smokers. Moreover, it is proved that alcohol use also can create problems in a person’s life later. However, majority of the Americans are using alcoholic drinks. Under

Creating A New Nigeria. What Ignored Sectors Must Be Reformed To Research Proposal

Creating A New Nigeria. What Ignored Sectors Must Be Reformed To Re-Brand The Giant Of Africa. Lessons From Other Emerging Economies - Research Proposal Example relation to the current competitive environment, these sectors are often recognised to play pivotal role for the countries to stimulate continuous growth and economic development. Therefore, rebranding of these particular areas has become a major concern for the Nigeria to improve its economic and socio-cultural development. In relation to the rebranding of the sectors, Aibueku (2011) has critically explored that education is one of the major sectors facing major challenges in Nigeria. According to the study, it has been perceived that the educational system of the nation is undergoing challenges due to the lack of effective mechanism and policy development measures (Aibueku, 2011). In addition, the sports and tourism development sector of the nation has also been recognised to face major hurdles during the past few decades. In this regard, rapid decline of the sports and tourism sector in the country has significantly lowered the opportunity for Nigeria to stabilise its economic development. Lack of policy measures along with support from governmental agencies and continuous instability of the political system have substantially influenced the current sports and tourism sector of Nigeria (Elendu, 2013). In addition, the media and entertainment sector in Nigeria is also considered to be ignored from its further development. Ineffective measures of using advanced technological aspects along with lack of policy developmental efforts of the nation are identified to reduce the scope of the current media and entertainment business sector of Nigeria (Obono & Madu, 2010). The study of Nigeria always provides adequate information relating to the sectors, which are major contributor to its economic growth from the research work of other researchers. However, there is a lack of research study of the ignored sectors of Nigeria, which are affecting the economic as well as social growth of the country as a whole. In this regard, the proposed research study focused on

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Tax Advice Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Tax Advice Assignment - Essay Example Retaining GBP 30,000 per year in business Moving on to the first aspect, what are the major tax codes implied by the UK government. As with usual government practices across the globe, here too there is a (1) Corporation tax, (2) VAT, (3) PAYE (Pay As You Earn), (4) Self Assessment Tax, (5) Business rates tax, (6) Capital Gains Tax, (7) Stamp and Excise duties and (8) Industry specific tax. Before getting into these taxes, we need to understand the records to be maintained for an ongoing business concern or a proprietorship concern for that matter getting converted to a company format. These include: Business income records (record of sales) Business expenditure records (record of purchases and expenses) Financial and accounting records Employer records (payment to employees, benefits, IT , NIC) VAT records Formation of a company has major benefits in terms of liability of partners or shareholders as the business is treated as separate entity and hence there is no personal liability of any partner / shareholder towards creditors of the company. Corporate profits will be taxed at corporate tax rate of 28% and HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is responsible for Corporation Tax aspects. Upon intimation to Companies House, the same shall be provided to HMRC who in turn provides an introductory pack within six weeks containing CT 41G forms. Upon filling this form, the same has to be submitted to the CT Office and this information is used by HMRC to calculate CT and deadlines (Business Link, 2011). The corporation tax for small profit companies has been pegged at 20% as of 2011 (Business Link, 2011). VAT meaning Value Added Tax is charged by business houses on the goods and services provided. A VAT rate varies between 0-20percent in UK. The UK taxation laws provide options to reclaim VAT based on purchases made on goods and services, reclaiming VAT on Bad debts etc. (Business Link, 2011) a company/ partnership has to register for VAT if their taxable income is GBP ,64,0 00 a year . Some of the major benefits by incorporating a company will be : Company makes pension contributions promptly Claiming maximum possible expenses involved related to business as per UK legislation Capital allowances can be claimed if there is a capital expenditure incurred for the business. Ensuring benefits paid out in terms of medical and HRA if salary is less than GBP 26,000 per year. Surplus cash can be used as loan provided to business, on which interest can be earned and only needs to pay 10% tax on first GBP 10,000 taxable profits. If the same cash is maintained in personal account, then 40% tax on interest has to be paid. Hence, here there is a clear demarcation of 30% interest savings. There are options where no tax can be paid on certain income derived – expenses allocating to a particular income stream, eg: A Partner’s salary allocating to interest income, in such a way no tax need be required to be paid on the income generated. GBP 7500 capital ga ins tax free allowance. The firm need not pay National Insurance and is only liable to pay Corporation Tax at 10% on its profit slab upto GBP 10,000 and 20% on next slab level between GBP 50,000 – 300,000 after deducting all expenses including Director’s remuneration. By developing Company Pension Scheme and payment of dividend to its shareholders, the Corporation Tax can be reduced a great extent. (Form A Company, Worldwide Incorporations, 2011).at times, the management by taking a small pie as salary reap a major portion of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Strategic Inconsistencies and America's Democratic Process Essay

Strategic Inconsistencies and America's Democratic Process - Essay Example The executive branch and the military expanding the war into Cambodia with neither the knowledge nor the support of Congress was a clear violation of the democratic process.i Earlier, and in a similar fashion, the entire program to develop the atomic bomb and the decision to use them on two Japanese cities in August 1945 was undertaken in strict secrecy. The secrecy of the program was essential to national security and the decision to use it certainly shortened the war and probably saved the lives of thousands of US combat troops. However, undertaking the development and use of atomic weapons in strict secrecy can hardly be seen as a model of democracy in action. The removal of the Japanese from the Pacific coast during World War Two and their concentration in internment camps was a clear violation of both their human and civil rights. It may well have been necessary, although that is certainly debatable, but, again, it is hardly a model of democracy in action.ii During wartime the United States has clearly abandoned democratic principles in favor of military strategy and efficacy. That said, it would be fair to say that virtually every democracy has made the decision when confronted with the question of military strategy versus democratic ideals in the time of war. Since at least the Civil War there has been a hangover from wartime strategy that has infected the democratic process in the aftermath of war. During Reconstruction, Federal troops were placed on the streets in southern cities to enforce law and order. This egregious violation of the Constitution, once recognized, was deemed so offensive that it led to posse comitatus legislation in 1878. The law states, â€Å"Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Money supply Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Money supply - Essay Example Money can be held in three common forms; paper money, metallic coins and money deposits to banks. Measurement of money supply is a critical act and various ways have been developed by economists to measure the level of money supply in the economy. The high-powered money multiplier approach is an approach that considers the level of bank deposits by the private sector while determining money supply (Werner, 2005). According to this approach, the level of cash deposits held by the bank plays the major role in determining money supply. High-powered money multiplier approach to credit creation The high-powered money multiplier is denoted by the letter ‘H’ and is measured in terms of the summation of notes and coins held by the common population (C) and notes and coins held by the banks plus deposits maintained by banks at the central bank (R). The mathematical formula for the stock of high-powered money: H = C + R The level of money supply (M.S.) in an economy is measured by : M.S. = C + D; where C denotes notes and coins held by the common population and D denotes bank deposits made by private individuals or agents (D'Souza, 2009). We can represent money supply in terms of the stock of high-powered money (denoted by ‘H’) and the high-powered money multiplier (denoted by ‘h’). The formula for high-powered money multiplier can be derived from the formula for the stock of high-powered money and the high-powered money multiplier (D'Souza, 2009). M.S. = C + D -----------(1) H = C + R ------------(2) On dividing equation (1) by equation (2) we get equation (3): On dividing the numerator and denominator of the right hand side of equation (3) by D we get: Or, Or, Or, M.S. = h* H (7) Where, Therefore, M.S. = h* H, i.e, the level of money supply in the economy is the product of the high-powered money multiplier (h) and the stock of high-powered money (H) (D'Souza, 2009). A number of assumptions are made prior to the development this mod el measuring money supply. These assumptions have been described below: Firstly, the stock of high-powered money (H) is considered as exogenously determined. It is not dependent on the functioning of the market forces. Secondly, C/D ratio is either a constant or is stable and predictable. If the rates of return on these investments remain constant, then the ratio of C/D would also remain constant. However, in reality, bank deposits offer interest rates whereas cash holding does not. Therefore, households as well as firms would be interested to make more deposits than hold liquid money. Thus, the C/D ratio is not a constant, but, is predictable. Sometimes the C/D ratio becomes unstable and unpredictable due to changes in financial culture of the economy or high end technological innovations and changing trend in spending methods towards use of plastic money (mostly due to technological advancements) leafing to a fall in C/D ratio or lack of confidence on the banking system in the eco nomy leading to an increase in liquid money holding and a subsequent rise in C/D ratio. The final assumption is related to the R/D ratio. It is the ratio of the reserves held by the banks at the Central bank and the liabilities of the bank and is considered as stable and predictable. The banks often try to keep a high reserve with the central bank by acting in a risk-averse manner in order to protect itself in a situation of large sudden withdrawals by depositors. However, depending on the rate of interest, banks decide the amount of money they would hold as interest bearing asset and the amount they would hold as reserves (earning no interest). The stock of high powered money also changes due to the change in government policies or total liabilities of the central bank and daily operations of the central banks. Change in high powered money is denoted by ?H. The value of ?H is given by the following equation: Or, ?H = DEF – ?GD + ET + MMA Where, Budget deficit (DEF), net sale s of

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Benefits and Negatives of Bankruptcy Essay Example for Free

Benefits and Negatives of Bankruptcy Essay Bankruptcy is briefly defined as a process in which debtor obtains relief from his/her debts through the court. The relief varies in form and it includes full partial discharge of the debt or the nuisance of an imbursement plan consistent with the debtor’s financial means. (Larson, 2000) Types of bankruptcy vary according to its function. One of the most common types of bankruptcy is â€Å"Chapter 7† or â€Å"Straight Bankruptcy† or â€Å"Liquidation. † This is also known as Personal Bankruptcy. Another is â€Å"Chapter 11†, which is primarily used by businesses. There is also â€Å"Chapter 13† or â€Å"Wage-Earner Bankruptcy. † Finally, â€Å"Chapter 20† bankruptcy is the process of filing of a â€Å"Chapter 7† bankruptcy to discharge unsecured debts, followed by â€Å"Chapter 13. † (Larson, 2000) Because of the robberies and troubles with the call center, the call center might file bankruptcy, in which it has already owed the firm over $40,000,000. In this case, we are in tasked of finding the consequences of the call center filing bankruptcy. What are the benefits and negatives if the call center will file bankruptcy? Brown and Seeyle emphasized that bankruptcy is neither a personal nor an emotional decision. Rather, it is a financial decision based on the amount of debt and the present ability to repay debts. When the expected time period of repayment exceeds the time it would take to rebuild credit, just like in the call center’s case, then it is the time to consider bankruptcy. At this place in time, the call center has accumulated more debt than they can be able to repay in the near future. The call center will possibly benefit greatly from filing bankruptcy. This will be debt-free start. By filing bankruptcy, the call center has the chance to rebuild and re-establish their credit in line with the law. (Brown Seelye, 2008) Meanwhile, there is a widely held misconception of Bankruptcy in which Ben Franklin from Franklin Debt Relief explained, wherein â€Å"it’s the debtor’s version of the â€Å"get out of jail free† card in Monopoly. † Most people know that bankruptcy affects credits for 7-10 years; little did they know that they may have to pay back the debt anyway. Franklin stated the formal definition of bankruptcy as â€Å"a proceeding in federal court in which an insolvent debtor’s assets are liquidated and the debtor is relieved of further liability. † It may also come out as â€Å"the process of completing your debts for free. † (Franklin, 2008) In this manner, the call center, even with bankruptcy, still have to pay back portion of the debt. The call center, in any circumstances, may avoid filing bankruptcy. The most possible solution is that the Call center’s assets be sold to earn sufficient funds and later pay the firm. However, if the firm may prove that the call center has intentions of not paying the firm, then it’s the best way for the call center not to file bankruptcy. The call center will still have to pay the firm back. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy or straight bankruptcy, a popular form of bankruptcy, permits the defaulter to start all over again. This is generally filed by those who have not any enough funds to pay for their debt. If the call center has no hope in paying their debts to the law firm, then they should file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. However, this may ruin their credits and they will still be responsible for their debt. They will also pay attorneys who will work in the case. In this case, the call center may consider filing Chapter 13. As for chapter 13, it is the reorganization of an individual consumers debt with a new payment schedule. If the call center has assets they want to protect Chapter 13 is another way. However, Chapter 13 ruins the credit. It will remain on the call center’s credit for up to 10 years. The call center, on another point, may have to consider credit counseling or a debt management agency. References Brown Seelye. The Decision to File. Washington State Law Firm. Retrieved February 1, 2008, from http://www. brownandseelye. com/bankruptcy375/thedecisiontofile. html Franklin, Ben. Avoiding Bankruptcy Franklin Debt Relief. Retrieve February 1, 2008, from http://www. franklindebtrelief. com/avoid-bankruptcy. html Larson, Aaron. (2000). Bankruptcy Law – An Overview. Law Offices of Aaron Larson. Retrieved February 1, 2008, from http://www. expertlaw. com/library/bankruptcy/bankruptcy. html Chapter 13 and 7 Bankruptcies. American Bankruptcy Courts. Retrieved February 3, 2008, from http://www. bankruptcy-courts. net. /chapter-13. html

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Slack Bus And Slack Generator

Slack Bus And Slack Generator The Table below shows input data of each busbar in the system used to solve the power flow and the simulation result according to instruction described in question 1. BUS Input Data [Simulation Result] BUS 1 pu P (load) 100 MW Q (load) 0 Mvar BUS 2 P (load) 200 MW Q (load) 100 Mvar CB of Generation Open BUS 3 1 pu P (Gen) 200 MW P (load) 100 MW Q (load) 50 Mvar AVR On AGC Off Slack bus and slack generator In power flow calculation, unique numerical solution cannot be calculated without reference voltage magnitude and angle due to unequal number of unknown variables and independent equations. The slack bus is the reference bus where its voltage is considered to be fixed voltage magnitude and angle (1à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  0 °), so that the various voltage angle difference among the buses can be calculated respect. In addition, the slack generator supplies as much real power and reactive power as needed for balancing the power flow considering power generation, load demand and losses in the system while keep the voltage constant as 1à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  0 °. In real power system, when relatively weak system is linked to the larger system via a single bus, this bus can represent the large system with an equivalent generator keeping the voltage constant and generating any necessary power like slack bus. [1] Bus type (PQ bus or PV bus) BUS Bus type Comments BUS 2 PQ Bus Generator is disconnected to Bus 2 BUS 3 PV Bus Generator is connected to Bus 3 and the magnitude of voltage of generator keep constant by using AVR In general, each bus in the power system can be categorized into three bus types such as Slack Bus, Load (PQ) Bus, and Voltage Controlled (PV) Bus. The definition and difference between PQ Bus and PV Bus are described as follows; [2] PV Bus (Generator Bus or Voltage Controlled Bus): It is a bus at which the magnitude of the bus voltage is kept constant by the generator. Even though the bus has several generators and load, if any generators connected to the bus regulate the bus voltage with AVR, then this bus is referred to PV Bus. For PV bus, the magnitude of the bus voltage and real power supplied to the system are specified, and reactive power and angle of the bus voltage are accordingly determined. If a preset maximum and minimum reactive power limit is reached, the reactive output of the generator remains at the limited values, so the bus can be considered as PQ Bus instead of PV Bus. [2] PQ Bus (Load Bus): It is a bus at which the voltage is changed depending on total net real power and reactive power of loads and generators without voltage regulator. Therefore, in the power simulation and calculation, the real power and reactive power of the loads are specified as input data and accordingly the voltage (magnitude and angle) is calculated based on the above input. The following table specifies input and output of each bus type in the power system simulation and calculation. Bus Type P Q (Magnitude) ÃŽÂ ´ (Angle) PQ Bus Input Input Output Output PV Bus Input Output Input Output Slack Bus Output Output Input Input System Balance Total Generation Load Demand BUS Real Power (MW) Imaginary Power (Mvar) Generation Load Generation Load BUS 1 204.093 100 56.240 0 BUS 2 0 200 0 100 BUS 3 200 100 107.404 50 Total 404.093 400 163.644 150 Difference Pgen Pdemand = 4.093 Qgen Qstored in load = 13.644 Reason: Real power loss due to resistance of transmission line and imaginary power storage due to reactance of transmission line are the reasons for the difference between power generation and load demand in the system. P (Losses) Q (Storage) over the transmission line BUS Real Power (MW) Imaginary Power (Mvar) Sending Receiving Losses Sending Receiving Stored BUS 1 BUS 2 102.714 100.650 2.064 56.653 49.773 6.88 BUS 1 BUS 3 1.379 1.378 0.001 0.4141) 0.4131) 0.001 BUS 3 BUS 2 101.378 99.350 2.028 56.990 50.227 6.763 Total Plosses = 4.093 Qstored in load = 13.644 1) Imaginary power flows from Bus 3 to Bus 1. The summation of real power losses and imaginary power storage over the transmission line are exactly same with total difference between generation and load. Therefore, it is verified that the difference is shown over the transmission line. Kirchoff balance as each bus [4] Bus1 ÃŽÂ £ P1 = + Pgen1 Pload1 P12 P13 = 204.093 100 102.714 1.379 = 0 ÃŽÂ £ Q1 = + Qgen1 Qload1 Q12 Q13 = 56.24 0 56.653 + 0.413 = 0 Bus2 ÃŽÂ £ P2 = + Pgen2 Pload2 P21 P23 = 0 200 + 100.65 + 99.35 = 0 ÃŽÂ £ Q2 = + Qgen2 Qload2 Q21 Q23 = 0 100 + 49.773 + 50.227 = 0 BUS3 ÃŽÂ £ P3 = + Pgen3 Pload3 P31 P32 = 200 100 + 1.378 101.378 = 0 ÃŽÂ £ Q3 = + Qgen3 Qload3 Q31 Q32 = 107.404 50 0.414 56.99 = 0 According to the calculation above, as summation of incoming outgoing real power and imaginary power at each bus become zero, it is verified that each busbar obeys a Kirchoff balance. In addition, the total power system is completely balanced, because total generation power (real imaginary) are equal to summation of total load demand and real power loss stored imaginary power over the transmission (i.e. Pgen Pdemand = Plosses, Qgen Qstored in load = Q stored in system) as shown above. Voltage Angle and Angle Difference As a result of the Powerworld, the voltage angle and angle difference are shown in the table below. BUS Voltage Angle Voltage Angle Difference BUS1 ÃŽÂ ´1 = 0.00 ° BUS1- BUS2 ÃŽÂ ´1 ÃŽÂ ´2 = 0.00 ° (-2.5662 °) = 2.5662 ° BUS2 ÃŽÂ ´2 = -2.5662 ° BUS2- BUS3 ÃŽÂ ´2 ÃŽÂ ´3 = -2.5662 ° (-0.043 °) = -2.5232 ° BUS3 ÃŽÂ ´3 = -0.043 ° BUS3- BUS1 ÃŽÂ ´3 ÃŽÂ ´1 = -0.043 ° 0.00 ° = -0.043 ° Power System Analysis -1 The table below summarizes generation and voltage angle variation at each bus as generation at Bus 3 varies from 0 MW to 450 MW by 50MW. Simulation Results and Observation P3 = 0 MW P3 = 50 MW P3 = 100 MW P3 = 150 MW P3 = 250 MW P3 = 300 MW P3 = 350 MW P3 = 400 MW P3 = 450 MW Reactive Power Generation at Bus 3: It is found that reactive power generation Q3(gen) decrease while real power generation P3(gen) increase because Bus 3 as a PV Bus regulates the constant bus voltage magnitude by controlling excitation of the generation through the AVR. Power Generation at Bus 1: It is found that P1(gen) decreases and Q1(gen) increases simultaneously, while P3(gen) increases and Q3(gen) decrease. As the total load demand in the system keeps constant (i.e. Ptotal(load) = 400 MW, Qtotal(load) = 150Mvar), any necessary real power and reactive power for the system balance need to be supplied by generator (slack generator) at Bus 1. Therefore, power generation P1(gen) and Q1(gen) at Bus 1 change reversely compared to power generation change at Bus 3. Voltage Angle Difference: In general, real power flow is influenced by voltage angle difference between sending bus and receiving bus according to PR =. Therefore, it is observed that as real power generation P3(gen) increases real power flow from Bus 3 to Bus2 increase, accordingly voltage angle difference (ÃŽÂ ´3 ÃŽÂ ´2) between Bus 3 and Bus 2 increases. However, decrease in real power from Bus 1 to Bus 2 due to increase of P3(gen) result in decrease of voltage angle difference (ÃŽÂ ´1 ÃŽÂ ´2). In addition, Real power between Bus 1 and Bus 3 flows from Bus 1 to Bus 3 until P3(gen) reach to 200 MW and as P3(gen) increase more than 200 MW the real power flows from Bus 3 to Bus 1. So, it is also observed that voltage angle difference (ÃŽÂ ´3 ÃŽÂ ´1) is negative angle when P3(gen) is less than 200MW and the difference increase while P3(gen) increase. Power System Analysis -2 The table below summarizes the variation of power generation and voltage angle difference at each bus when the load demand at Bus 3 varies by 50MW and 25Mvar. Simulation Results and Observation P2 = 0 MW Q2 = 0 MW P2 = 50 MW Q2 = 25 MW P2 = 100 MW Q2 = 50 MW P2 = 150 MW Q2 = 75 MW P2 = 250 MW Q2 = 125 MW P2 = 300 MW Q2 = 150 MW P2 = 350 MW Q2 = 175 MW P2 = 400 MW Q2 = 200 MW P2 = 450 MW Q2 = 225 MW Power Generation at Bus 1 and Bus 3: It is observed that as the total load demand in the system increases due to increase of load demand P2(load) Q2(load) at Bus 2, any necessary real power for the system balance is supplied by generator (slack generator) at Bus 1 considering constant P3(gen), so P1(gen) increases. In addition, any necessary reactive power for the system balance is supplied from Bus 1 as well as Bus 3, so both Q1(gen) and Q3(gen) increase. Voltage Angle Difference: It is found that real power flow increase both from Bus 1 to Bus 2 and from Bus 3 to Bus 2 due to increase of load demand at Bus2. Accordingly, both voltage angle difference ÃŽÂ ´1 ÃŽÂ ´2 and ÃŽÂ ´3 ÃŽÂ ´2 increase when the power flow P12 and P32 increase. In addition, when P2(load) is less than 200 MW, P1gen is relatively low. Therefore real power between Bus 3 and Bus 1 flows from Bus 3 to Bus 1 at lower P2(load) (less than 200MW). On the other hand, while P2(load) increase more than 200 MW, the real power flow direction changes (Bus 1 to Bus 3) and the real power flow increases. Accordingly, the voltage angle difference ÃŽÂ ´1 ÃŽÂ ´3 change from negative to positive and increase. Voltage Magnitude at Bus 2: It is observed that magnitude of bus voltage at Bus2 drops due to increase of the load demand at Bus 2. Question 2 System Model Admittance Matrix In order to construct the admittance matrix of Powerworld B3 case, single phase equivalent circuit can be drawn as below; z = r + jx (r = 0, x = 0.05) z12 = z21= j0.05 pu, y12 = 1/ z12 = 1/j0.05 = -j20 pu = y12 z13 = z31= j0.05 pu, y13 = 1/ z13 = 1/j0.05 = -j20 pu = y31 z23 = z32= j0.05 pu, y23 = 1/ z23 = 1/j0.05 = -j20 pu = y32 Admittance matrix can be defined as follows; BUS = Diagonal elements Y(i,i) of the admittance matrix, called as the self-admittance [lecture slide] [6], are the summation of all admittance connected with BUS i. = y12 + y13 = -j20 j20 = -j40 pu = y21 + y23 = -j20 j20 = -j40 pu = y31 + y32 = -j20 j20 = -j40 pu Off diagonal elements Y(i,j) of the admittance matrix, called as the mutual admittance [lecture slide] [6], are negative admittance between BUS i and BUS j. = y12 = -(-j20) = j20 pu = y13 = -(-j20) = j20 pu = y21 = -(-j20) = j20 pu = y23 = -(-j20) = j20 pu = y31 = -(-j20) = j20 pu = y32 = -(-j20) = j20 pu Therefore, the final admittance matrix BUS is; BUS = = The following figure shows the BUS of the Powerworld B3 case and it is verified that the calculated admittance matrix is consistent with the result of the Powerworld. Power Flow Calculation Nodal equation with the admittance matrix can be used to calculate voltage at each bus if we know all the current (i.e. total generation power and load demand at each BUS) and finally the power flow can be calculated accordingly. , therefore, In this question, however, simulation results of the voltage at each bus from the Powerworld are used for the power flow calculation as follows; [Simulation result] Voltage at each Bus and Voltage Difference V1 = 1 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  0.00 ° pu (BUS1) V2 = 1 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  -0.48 ° pu (BUS2) V3 = 1 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  0.48 ° pu (BUS 3) Voltage difference between BUS 1 and BUS 2 V12 = V1 V2 = 1 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  0.00 ° 1 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  -0.48 ° = 3.5 x 10-5 + j 8.38 x 10-3 = 8.38 x 10-3 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  89.76 ° pu V21 = V2 V1 = V12 = 3.5 x 10-5 j 8.38 x 10-3 = 8.38 x 10-3 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  -90.24 ° pu Voltage difference between BUS 3 and BUS 2 V32 = V3 V2 = 1 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  0.48 ° 1 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  -0.48 ° = j 16.76 x 10-3 = 16.76 x 10-3 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  90 ° pu V23 = V2 V3 = V32 = j 16.76 x 10-3 = -16,76 x 10-3 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  -90 ° pu Voltage difference between BUS 3 and BUS 1 V31 = V3 V1 = 1 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  0.48 ° 1 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  0.00 ° = 3.5 x 10-5 + j 8.38 x 10-3 = 8.38 x 10-3 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  90.24 ° pu V13 = V1 V3 = V31 = 3.5 x 10-5 j 8.38 x 10-3 = 8.38 x 10-3 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  -89.76 ° pu Line Current Current flow from BUS i and BUS j can be calculated by using voltage difference and interconnected admittance of the line between buses. [ Iij = yij * (Vi Vj) ] Line current between BUS 1 and BUS 2 I12 = y12 x (V1 V2) = -j20 x 8.38 x 10-3 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  89.76 ° = 167.6 x 10-3 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  -0.24 ° pu (BUS 1 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ BUS 2) I21 = y21 x (V2 V1) = -j20 x 8.38 x 10-3 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  -90.24 ° = 167.6 x 10-3 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  -180.24 ° pu (BUS 2 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ BUS 1) Line current between BUS 3 and BUS 2 I32 = y32 x (V3 V2) = -j20 x 16.76 x 10-3 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  90 ° = 335.2 x 10-3 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  0.00 ° pu (BUS 3 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ BUS 2) I23 = y23 x (V2 V3) = -j20 x 16.76 x 10-3 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  -90 ° = 335.2 x 10-3 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  180 ° pu (BUS 2 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ BUS 3) Line current between BUS 3 and BUS 1 I31 = y31 x (V3 V1) = -j20 x 8.38 x 10-3 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  90.24 ° = 167.6 x 10-3 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  0.24 ° pu (BUS 3 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ BUS 1) I13 = y13 x (V1 V3) = -j20 x 8.38 x 10-3 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  -89.76 ° = 167.6 x 10-3 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  -179.76 ° pu (BUS 1 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ BUS 3) Apparent Power Flow Apparent flow from BUS i and BUS j can be calculated by voltage at the sending bus and line current. [ Sij = Vi * I*ij ] Apparent Power from BUS 1 to BUS 2 S12 = V1* I*12 = 1 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  0.00 ° x 167.6 x 10-3 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  0.24 ° = 167.6 x 10-3 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  0.24 ° = 0.1676 + j 7.02 x 10-4 pu Apparent Power from BUS 2 to BUS 1 S21=V2* I*21=1à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  -0.48 ° x 167.6 x 10-3à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  180.24 °=167.6 x 10-3à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  179.76 ° = -0.1676 + j7.02 x 10-4 pu Apparent Power from BUS 3 to BUS 2 S32 = V3* I*32 = 1 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  0.48 ° x 335.2 x 10-3 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  0.00 ° = 335.2 x 10-3 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  0.48 ° = 0.3352 + j 2.81 x 10-3 pu Apparent Power from BUS 2 to BUS 3 S23=V2* I*23=1 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  -0.48 ° x 335.2 x 10-3 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  180 °= 335.2 x 10-3 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  179.76 ° = -0.3352 + j 2.81 x 10-3 pu Apparent Power from BUS 3 to BUS 1 S31 = V3* I*31 = 1à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  0.48 ° x 167.6 x 10-3à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  -0.24 ° = 167.6 x 10-3 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  0.24 ° = 0.1676 + j 7.02 x 10-4 pu Apparent Power from BUS 1 to BUS 3 S13=V1* I*13=1à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  0.00 ° x 167.6 x 10-3à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  179.76 °= 167.6 x 10-3à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚  179.76 ° = -0.1676 + j 7.02 x 10-4 pu Comparison with simulation results The unit of the above calculation results is pu value, so in order to compare the results with simulation results pu value of current and power flow need to be converted to actual values by using the following equation considering Sbase = 100MVA and Vline_base = 345kV. [3] Sactual = Sbase ÃÆ'- Spu = 100 MVA ÃÆ'- Spu Iactual = Ibase ÃÆ'- Ipu = ÃÆ'- Ipu = ÃÆ'- Ipu = 167.3479 A ÃÆ'- Ipu Calculation Result and Simulation Result Flow direction Value Calculation Result Simulation Result BUS 1 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ BUS 2 |S12| 0.1676 ÃÆ'- 100 = 16.76 MVA 16.67 MVA P12 16.76 MW 16.67 MW Q12 0.0702 Mvar 0.07 Mvar |I12| 0.1676 ÃÆ'- 167.3479 = 28.0475 A 27.89 A BUS 3 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ BUS 2 |S32| 0.3352 ÃÆ'- 100 = 33.52 MVA 33.33 MVA P32 33.52 MW 33.33 MW Q32 0.281 Mvar 0.28 Mvar |I32| 0.3352 ÃÆ'- 167.3479 = 56.0950 A 55.78 A BUS 3 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ BUS 1 |S31| 0.1676 ÃÆ'- 100 = 16.76 MVA 16.67 MVA P31 16.76 MW 16.67 MW Q31 0.0702 Mvar 0.07 Mvar |I31| 0.1676 ÃÆ'- 167.3479 = 28.0475 A 27.89 A BUS 2 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ BUS 1 |S21| 0.1676 ÃÆ'- 100 = 16.76 MVA 16.67 MVA P21 -16.76 MW -16.67 MW Q21 0.0702 Mvar 0.07 Mvar |I21| 0.1676 ÃÆ'- 167.3479 = 28.0475 A 27.89 A BUS 2 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ BUS 3 |S23| 0.3352 ÃÆ'- 100 = 33.52 MVA 33.33 MVA P23 -33.52 MW -33.33 MW Q23 0.281 Mvar 0.28 Mvar |I23| 0.3352 ÃÆ'- 167.3479 = 56.0950 A 55.78 A BUS 1 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ BUS 3 |S13| 0.1676 ÃÆ'- 100 = 16.76 MVA 16.67 MVA P13 -16.76 MW -16.67 MW Q13 0.0702 Mvar 0.07 Mvar |I13| 0.1676 ÃÆ'- 167.3479 = 28.0475 A 27.89 A It is found that calculation results of current flow and apparent power flows (i.e. 28.0475 A and 56.0950 A/ 33.52 MVA and 16.76MVA) are about 0.5 % higher than simulation result (i.e. 27.89 A and 55.78 A / 33.33 MVA and 16.67 MVA) which can be considered slightly different. Difference of the voltage angle at each bus between calculation (0.48 °) and simulation (0.4775 °) could be the reason for this minor difference. Question 3 Admittance Matrix and Nodal Equation Admittance between two buses y12 = y21 = -j8 pu y13 = y31 = -j4 pu y14 = y41 = -j2.5 pu y23 = y32 = -j4 pu y24 = y42 = -j5 pu y30 = -j0.8 pu (BUS3-Neutral BUS) y40 = -j0.8 pu (BUS4-Neutral BUS) Admittance Matrix Ybus (Admittance Matrix) = Diagonal elements Y(i,i) of the admittance matrix, called as the self-admittance [2] [4], are the summation of all admittance connected with BUS i. = y12 + y13 + y14 = -j8 -j4 j2.5 = -j14.5 = y21 + y23 + y24 = -j8 -j4 j5 = -j17 = y30 + y31 + y32 = -j08 -j4 j4 = -j8.8 = y40 + y41 + y42 = -j0.8 -j2.5 j5 = -j8.3 Off diagonal elements Y(i,j) of the admittance matrix, called as the mutual admittance [2] [4], are negative admittance between BUS i and BUS j. = y12 = -(-j8) = j8 pu = y13 = -(-j4) = j4 pu = y14 = -(-j2.5) = j2.5 pu = y21 = -(-j8) = j8 pu = y23 = -(-j4) = j4 pu = y24 = -(-j5) = j5 pu = y31 = -(-j4) = j4 pu = y32 = -(-j4) = j4 pu = y34 = 0 pu = y41 = -(-j2.5) = j2.5 pu = y42 = -(-j5) = j5 pu = y43 = 0 pu Therefore, admittance matrix Ybus is as follows; Ybus = = Power Flow Analysis Power flow ignoring transmission line capacitance Nodal Equation Current from the neutral bus to each bus are given and admittance matrix (Ybus) is calculated above. Therefore, final nodal equation is as follows; Ibus = Ybus * Vbus à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¡Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Vbus = Y-1bus * Ibus = Ybus à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¡Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ = = Voltage Analysis Voltage at each bus can be derived from the equation (Vbus = Y-1bus * Ibus) and Matlab was used for calculate matrix division. (Source code is attached in Appendix-1) Vbus == V12 = 0.0034 + j 0.0031 pu V13 = -0.0277 j 0.0257 pu V14 = 0.0336 + j 0.0311 pu V21 = -0.0034 j 0.0031 pu V23 = -0.0311 j 0.0288 pu V24 = 0.0302 + j 0.0280 pu V31 = 0.0277 + j 0.0257 pu V32 = 0.0311 + j 0.0288 pu V41 = -0.0336 j 0.0311 pu V42 = -0.0302 j 0.0280 pu Current flow in the system Current flow from BUS i and BUS j can be calculated by using voltage difference and interconnected admittance of the line between buses. [Iij = yij * (Vi Vj) ] The calculation result from Matlab is as follows; I12 = 0.0249 j 0.0269 pu I13 = -0.1026 + j 0.1108 pu I14 = 0.0777 j 0.0840 pu I21 = -0.0249 + j 0.0269 pu I23 = -0.1151 + j 0.1243 pu I24 = 0.1399 j 0.1511 I31 = 0.1026 j 0.1108 pu I32 = 0.1151 j 0.1243 pu I34 = 0 pu I41 = -0.0777 + j 0.0840 pu I42 = -0.1399 + j 0.1511 pu I43 = 0 pu Power flow in the system Apparent flow from BUS i and BUS j can be calculated by voltage at the sending bus and line current. [ Sij (pu) = Vi * I*ij = Pij + jQij ] The calculation result from Matlab is as follows; S12 = 0.0311 + j 0.0175 pu S13 = -0.1283 j 0.0723 pu S14 = 0.0972 + j 0.0548 pu S21 = -0.0311 j 0.0174 pu S23 = -0.1438 j 0.0803 pu S24 = 0.1749 + j 0.0977 pu S31 = 0.1283 + j 0.0780 pu S32 = 0.1438 + j 0.0875 pu S34 = 0 pu S41 = -0.0972 j 0.0496 pu S42 = -0.1749 j 0.0892 pu S44 = 0 pu Admittance Matrix considering transmission line capacitance According to the instruction of the Question 3, power system model can be drawn by using à Ã¢â€š ¬ equivalent circuit of the lines with capacitive shunt admittance (yc) of 0.1 pu at each side as shown below. Admittance Matrix Contrary to equivalent model in Question 3-1, the current flow through the capacitor in the transmission line needs to be considered to find the admittance matrix. Therefore, considering the capacitors the current equation with Kirchhoffs current law at each bus is as follows; [2] [5] Bus 1: I1 = I12 + I13 + I14 + Ic12 + Ic13 + Ic14 I1 = y12(V1-V2) + y13(V1-V3) + y14(V1-V4) + yc12V1 + yc13V1 + yc14V1 Bus 2: I2 = I21 + I23 + I24 + Ic21 + Ic23 + Ic24 I2 = y21(V2-V1) + y23(V2-V3) + y24(V2-V4) + yc21V2 + yc23V2 + yc24V2 Bus 3: I3 = I30 + I31 + I32 + Ic31 + Ic32 I3 = y30V3 + y31(V3-V1) + y32(V3-V2) + yc31V3 + yc32V3 Bus 4: I4 = I40 + I41 + I42 + Ic41 + Ic42 I4 = y40V4 + y41(V4-V1) + y42(V4-V2) + yc41V4 + yc42V4 Equation above can be rearranged to separate and group individual products by voltage. Bus 1: I1 = (y12 + y13 + y14 + yc12 + yc13+ yc14)V1 y12V2 y13V3 y14V4 = Y11V1 + Y12V2 + Y13V3 + Y14V4 Bus 2: I2 = (y21 + y23 + y24 + yc21 + yc23+ yc24)V2- y21V1 y23V3 y24V4 = Y21V1 + Y22V2 + Y23V3 + Y24V4 Bus 3: I3 = (y30 + y31 + y32 + yc31+ yc32)V3 y31V1 y32V2 = Y31V1 + Y32V2 + Y33V3 + Y34V4 Bus 4: I4 = (y40 + y41 + y42 + yc41+ yc42)V4 y41V1 y42V2 = Y41V1 + Y42V2 + Y43V3 + Y44V4 Finally, Diagonal elements Y(i,i) and off diagonal elements Y(i,j) of the admittance matrix are calculated as follows; = y12 + y13 + y14 + yc12 + yc13+ yc14 = -j8 -j4 j2.5 + j0.1 + j0.1 +0.1j = -j14.2 pu = y21 + y23 + y24 + yc21 + yc23+ yc24 = -j8 -j4 j5 + j0.1 + j0.1 +0.1j = -j16.7 pu = y30 + y31 + y32 + yc31+ yc32 = -j08 -j4 j4 + j0.1 +0.1j = -j8.6 pu = y40 + y41 + y42 + yc41+ yc42 = -j0.8 -j2.5 j5 + j0.1 +0.1j = -j8.1 pu = y12 = -(-j8) = j8 pu = y13 = -(-j4) = j4 pu = y14 = -(-j2.5) = j2.5 pu = y21 = -(-j8) = j8 pu = y23 = -(-j4) = j4 pu = y24 = -(-j5) = j5 pu = y31 = -(-j4) = j4 pu = y32 = -(-j4) = j4 pu = y34 = 0 pu = y41 = -(-j2.5) = j2.5 pu = y42 = -(-j5) = j5 pu = y43 = 0 pu Therefore, admittance matrix Ybus is as follows; Ybus = = Annex-1: Matlab source code and Calculation results with Matlab Matlab Source Code % define self admittance and mutual admittance by using admittace between % the buses (y12=y21=-j8, y13=y31=-j4, y14=y41=-j2.5, y23=y32=-j4, % y24=y42=-j5, y34=0, y43=0, y30=-j0.8, y40=-j0.8 y12=-8i; y21=-8i; y13=-4i; y31=-4i; y14=-2.5i; y41=-2.5i; y23=-4i; y32=-4i; y24=-5i; y42=-5i; y34=0; y43=0; y30=-0.8i; y40=-0.8i; Y11=-8i-4i-2.5i; Y12=8i; Y13=4i; Y14=2.5i; Y21=8i; Y22=-8i-4i-5i; Y23=4i; Y24=5i; Y31=4i; Y32=4i; Y33=-0.8i-4i-4i; Y34=0; Y41=2.5i; Y42=5i; Y43=0; Y44=-5i-2.5i-0.8i; %Bus 3 and Bus 4 is not connected, so admittance Y34 and Y43 are equal to zero % define the 44 admittance matrix (Ybus) Ybus=[Y11 Y12 Y13 Y14; Y21 Y22 Y23 Y24; Y31 Y32 Y33 Y34; Y41 Y42 Y43 Y44]; % In order to define the nodal equation (I = Ybus*V), the given I needs to defined. i1=0; i2=0; i3=-i; i4=-0.4808-0.4808i; Ibus=[i1; i2; i3; i4]; % Each bus voltage can be calculated by using matrix division (V= YbusI) Vbus=YbusIbus; v1=Vbus(1,1); v2=Vbus(2,1); v3=Vbus(3,1); v4=Vbus(4,1); % Calculate voltage difference between buses v12=v1-v2; v13=v1-v3; v14=v1-v4; v21=v2-v1; v23=v2-v3; v24=v2-v4; v31=v3-v1; v32=v3-v2; v34=v3-v4; v41=v4-v1; v42=v4-v2; v43=v4-v3; % current flow between buses can be calculated by i12 = y12*(v1-v2) i12=y12*v12; i13=y13*v13; i14=y14*v14; i21=y21*v21; i23=y23*v23; i24=y24*v24; i31=y31*v31; i32=y32*v32; i34=y34*v34; i41=y41*v41; i42=y42*v42; i43=y43*v43; % apparent power can be calculated by s12 = v1 * conj(i12) s12=v1*conj(i12); s13=v1*conj(i13); s14=v1*conj(i14); s21=v2*conj(i21); s23=v2*conj(i23); s24=v2*conj(i24); s31=v3*conj(i31); s32=v3*conj(i32); s34=v3*conj(i34); s41=v4*conj(i41); s42=v4*conj(i42); s43=v4*conj(i43); % Real power and Reactive power can be derived by following p12=real(s12); p13=real(s13); p14=real(s14); q12=imag(s12); q13=imag(s13); q14=imag(s14); p21=real(s21); p23=real(s23); p24=real(s24); q21=imag(s21); q23=imag(s23); q24=imag(s24); p31=real(s31); p32=real(s32); p34=real(s34); q31=imag(s31); q32=real(s32); q34=imag(s34); p41=real(s41); p42=real(s42); p43=real(s43); q41=imag(s41); q42=real(s42); q43=imag(s43); % end Matlab Calculation Results

Friday, September 20, 2019

Marketing: British Airways Group

Marketing: British Airways Group The assignment focuses on analyzing summarizing and comparing two companies which deals in same sector or industry with a marketing aspect. The purpose states that the study of the module Marketing Management needs to be implemented in virtual front by providing meaningful process to the company chosen and revise the value proposition. The assignment is divided into step-by-step parts towards preparing a plan for the organization under study. British Airways- Company profile British Airways is the airline company of the United Kingdom. It has its headquarter in Waterside which is near its main hub at London Heathrow Airport and as found it is the biggest airline of UK on the record basis of number of international flights and international destinations it has. Its second hub is London Gatwick Airport. As per the research it found that The British Airways Group was formed on 1 September 1974. BA was formed by the merger of two large London-based airlines, British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) and British European Airways Corporation (BEA), and two much smaller airlines, Cambrian Airways Cardiff and Northeast Airlines Newcastle upon Tyne. BA according to the research was found as the only two airlines to operate the supersonic Aerospatiale-BAC Concorde inaugurating the worlds first supersonic passenger service in January 1976. BA became the worlds most profitable airline following its strategies under the slogan The Worlds Favorite Airline. Rather it was earlier Boeing customer. The formation of Richard Bransons Virgin Atlantic Airways in 1984 began a tense relationship with BA. The main activities of British Airways Plc and its subsidiary undertakings are the operation of international and domestic planned air services for the deportment of passengers, freight and mail and the facility of ancillary amenities. (uk.reuters.com 2010) Franchisees  · Comair: based in South Africa, franchisee since 1996.  · Sun Air: based in Denmark, franchisee since 1 August 1996. (uk.reuters.com 2010) Customer Value It is the difference between what a customer wants from a product and what he or she has to give in order to achieve it. ( Business dictionary.com 2010 ) Customer Value proposition A customer value proposition is described as a business or statement of marketing that describes why would a customer buy a product or service he wish to use. It has been targeted towards the potential of customers rather than other consisting groups such as of workers, stakeholders or suppliers .It is designed for the customers to convince their self to one particular product or service which will add more value ( Business dictionary.com 2010). Types of CVP 1.All Benefits Sometimes most managers formulates customer value proposition which includes all customers benefits which can be fulfilled by them by offering different types of offers to meet customer needs. It requires them a hard work to keeping records about customer needs and competitors in the market ( Ogle,2010). 2. Favourable Points of Difference The second type of value proposition which includes all alternatives in which customers focus includes different types of products and services offered by others. It provides the customers with the best of its offers just to attract them without having the proper knowledge about what the customer is demanding but they try to fulfil their customer need( Ogle,2010). 3. Resonating Focus This is a very important aspect as it focuses on the value proposition having differences to an all benefits position of companies leading a value proposition for the customers .Resonating is the point which deals with the standard of the value proposition and it should be at its highest level .By this method the manager wants to do the business with the marketers who has the proper knowledge about the customers need and delivers the customers value proposition at the market capturing level ( Ogle,2010). Importance of value proposition A good customer value proposition is a method of convincing the customers to buy their products other than buying the competitors and find it different from others .This method has been used to grasp the attention of the customers and increase the sales at large scale which will help in increasing the market shares. To promote the product it has been always important to understand customers need . It is profitable in building a brand association that help in providing offers to the customers (Ogle, 2010) Three Key Dimensions Active vs. Reactive value Extrinsic vs. intrinsic value Self-oriented vs. other-oriented value As per the research on the British airways customer value proposition it has been found that : Effect of British airways on customers mind It has Strong brand name and brand image good reputation in market as well as customers mind Reliability of British airways BA Key Messages is to provide the consistency in providing good service Reliability in providing best quality of offering Safety and security Safety and security are key priorities for British airways. It follows the formal management system for the security which ensures with all relevant rules and regulations that are must be followed. British airways is into a system of operating a inclusive monitoring system to ensure that all incidents are reported before they occur and necessary action been taken. HYPERLINK http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Customer_value_proposition l cite_note-Lake-1Question 2. The requirement of the question speaks about the two companies to be selected of the same industry which can be compared on various aspects particularly marketing strategy on a global scale; I have chosen the following two companies: British Airways Virgin Atlantic airways The reasons for selecting these companies are: The value proposition of both the companies can be compared and differentiated based on their marketing assets. Both the companies are intense competitors in the business of airlines and in providing superior quality of services to the customers Virgin Atlantic Airways- Competitor Company Profile Virgin Atlantic Airways Limited (operating as Virgin Atlantic) is a British airline owned by Sir Richard Bransons Virgin Group (51%) and Singapore Airlines (49%). It is headquartered in Crawley, West Sussex, England, near London Gatwick Airport. It operates between the United Kingdom and North America, the Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia from main bases at Gatwick and London Heathrow Airport, using a mixed fleet of Airbus and Boeing wide-body aircraft (innovationaleaders, 2010). We all experience customer service, without even understanding it. The only time youre likely to poster is when it surpasses your potentials, or it doesnt meet them! Pleased customers are more likely to commend you to others. Customer Service is clearly a main part of any businesses corporate plan to recall and attract clients. Effective Customer Service is critical in portion a business to meet its planned sales intentions whilst meeting their client potentials through exceptional customer service. CRITICALLY EVALUATING CUSTOMER VALUE PROPOSITON OF BRITISH AIRWAYS British airways as being on the top of the chart of airlines industry to maintain its standard it has acquired several innovative ideas which have left certain impression on customers mind. British Airways is comparatively strong from a financial point of view and have a good reputation in comparison to other companies in the airlines industry, and it has positioned itself on the top leveled service provider but still it is facing some problems in satisfying the customers completely. BA provides it customers with affordable price flight ticket and spends to that level which delivers the minimum performance for the ante ( for example: providing nuts and soft drinks to the customers),Yet on the other hand BA maximizes its marketing by spending more effectiveness by removing ineffective spending on the ante that pushes the performance but does not leads to any change in customers behavior ( for example: BA dont provide the customers with hot meals on short flights). British airways has redesigned its cabin into truly flat bed which are up to the best comfort of the customers and it helps in attracting more customers in business class at a time when other airlines merely increased leg room or seat width but to really rule in the filed of airline BA should also try to provide more innovative facilities for lower class customers too as they are being their regular customers. BA provides its customers with its key priority of security for which it has operated different security system specially for its customers safety. In order to profitably satisfy customer needs, an organisation must understand its external and internal situation including the customer, the market and its own capabilities. MARKETING MIX OF BRITISH AIRWAYS Product Strategy A product is characterized as anything that been offered to a party to another party in return of something. As we talk about BA, it provides its customers with different types of services like booking their tickets online, choose the sitting of their choice and meals of customer choice.BA provides the quality of compensating the customers at the time of cancellation of their flight tickets (123helpme, 2010). Pricing Strategy Pricing strategy is the overall task of defining the price range and price movement through the time period given to support the organizational fund and profit gaining objectives. BA holds a different type of pricing strategy in its two sectors of airlines short-haul and the long-haul , it provides its customers with tickets at affordable price. It has different price standard for different categories of flights but with same quality of service. BA has the special system for optional product pricing charged for optional extra guaranteeing a window seat or reserving a row seats next to each other (123helpme,2010). Place This heading refers to distribution. This means all aspects that focus on to how the goods and services should move from the producers to the end user. This means the coordination of retailers and/or wholesales and in the case of products the logistics involved in moving from factory/warehouse/head office, to the end user.BA has its main head quartos in U.K only. The airline hovers to above 550 destinations internationally and is measured to be a leader in the business. BAs prices depend on fluctuations in oil prices which it cannot control (123helpme, 2010). Promotion It is refers to as advertising or promoting a product, brand or industry to gain profit and expand the business. British Airways launched an advertising campaign to promote the trial of its First and Club World services. BA gives a lot charity and launches exhibitions for the funds for the needy ones. BA provides training programs and provides the students with the scholarships for their better future (123helpme, 2010). On a preliminary note it is important to understand the concepts of Mission and Vision for a particular organization. The difference between Mission and Vision statement is a Mission statement contains the information of the company in a nutshell about its products and services to customers while a Vision statement offers the future perspectives of the company or organization, the purpose or broader goal for being in existence or in the business. (Difference between, 2010) Mission and Vision Statements of the British Airways and Virgin Atlantic are discussed below Mission statement of British Airways There is no official mission statement from the companys website instead the social blogs have various statements out of which the best one chosen To be the undisputed leader in the world of airlines for the next millennium Vision statement of British Airways- The Worlds Favorite Airline Mission Statement of Virgin Atlantic- Safety, security and consistent delivery of the basics are the foundation of everything we do. Vision statement of British Airways- To grow a profitable airline, where people love to fly and where people love to work Analyzing and comparing the Mission and Vision statements of British Airways and Virgin Atlantic The mission and vision statements of British airways seems to be in the line of business as both focus on world class operations not just local or domestic functioning, hence it is recommended that being a company which caters large scale audience/customers British Airways has to focus on its principles of functioning to achieve its vision. As far as Virgin Atlantic is concerned, nowhere it mentions about the functioning and catering the audiences of the world, it is known fact that Virgin Atlantic is more of a British nature and caters or prefers services priority to British audiences hence it needs to change its mission and vision statement which though is appealing but doesnt come in the line of business. Competitor Analysis The airline sector is more competitive today than it was before in the past, provided now days consumers with more choice and with affordable prices than ever before due to the emergence of low-cost airlines. British Airways operates within two strategic groups within the airline sector the short-haul and the long-haul. Each of these sectors has different competitors. One group consists of airlines with regional operations offering scheduled flights and comparison on costs. The other group focuses on offering long haul flights, with great quality of environments and services to a wide range of destinations. Which makes BA to participate on a large scale at global, European, national and regional level. Within the UK, BA is the largest carrier in the market accounting for 45.1% of passengers with Virgin Atlantic being the second largest carrier in the market with 9.2% market share. It is also likely that long-haul licenses will be granted to low-cost airlines which will enable them to compete in both .This was originally a major cause for concern for British Airways and they initially set up Go-fly to be able to compete with its new competitors Virgin Atlantic. However, it later decided t o focus on its core business and sold Go to Easy Jet in 2002. For example, regional competitors such as Virgin Atlantic have entered the market offering European flights from local airports in Wales. .Virgin airlines change in strategy will have direct effect on BA as they continue to attract customers for their high quality standards. Another strategy that seems to be emerging amongst traditional carriers is to reduce fares in order to become more competitive with the low-cost airlines.BA also has to consider the indirect competitors. New planes, new routes, additional flights and management changes are all factors that impinge a business. Such changes made by a competitor need constant monitoring in order for BA to examine its current position and develop future strategies. Virgin Atlantic has best online reputation as compared to British Airways that effects the working of the British airways. CUSTOMER EXPECTATIONS AND OUTCOMES This model talks about the services and quality promised to the customers and the service and quality the customer receives. It is very important for any company to understand the importance of its customer needs for its development and building a brand image. BA is a well-established company and holds a very good reputation in the markets with filling the need of their customer through the terms and conditions they have promised to their customers. The strength of BA lies with the satisfaction of its customers but in certain cases it is failed to satisfy its customers according to the promises been made, issues which have affected the reputation of BA are like not delivering hot meals in flights or not delivering meals at all in short flights. These certain issues has disappointed the customer expectations from BA . Therefore, from the model above which emphasis on the bond between the company offering and delivering to their customers, so it is found that customers are not receiving the quality of services which are been promised by BA .(Ogle, 2010) Question 3. Answer: Using Piercys Value Proposition Model the above question can be solved Piercy (1997) identifies 4 relationships to be considered when managing market-led organizations. Figure 1.1: Key relationships in market strategy (Source: based on Piercy, 1997) It identifies the key relationship-marketing issue as the refocusing of marketing effort: moving activities away from a marketing mix that creates a series of one-off transactions, to managing a complex network of relationships involved in the production of the whole consumer offering. Customer Analysis Shaw (2004) addresses what the most fundamental and commonest mistakes made in airline marketing failure to make a proper distinction between the Consumer and the Customer. Consumers are the ones who actually travel and it is significant that BA consider customers importance, as they are the decision makers of the organization. This is very important aspect for both consumer as well as industrial markets. BAs customers differ extremely in terms of their buying behaviour. Not only do they differ in terms of their age, income, educational levels and geographic location but more fundamentally in BAs case in terms of their lifestyles and potentials which are unfair by several factors. BA also deals in an industrial market where changes in buying behaviour are showed by the reserve of BAs purchasing policies, delivery dates and expected 7 This means using smaller airports, not allocating seats, making passengers pay for refreshments and not issuing tickets. The majority of these decision s are made by a group of individuals working to a set of purchasing criteria, known as the Decision Making Unit (DMU). The mission statement is defined as the key to success and meeting the customer needs on a short span of time and it requires to be changed every year preferably. We now discuss about developing a mission statement, developing vision statement and value statement. (ba.com, 2010) New mission and vision of British Airways Mission Statement : Modernise aircraft fleet and offer new services managing at cost base. Vision Statement : Increase corporate responsibility through environmental performance and partnerships. Developing a Mission Statement Mostly, the mission statement states the overall objective of the organization. If the company decides to develop its vision statement before developing its mission statement it should not affect its working as both means the same and in the vision turns into mission for the company. Improving a mission statement can be done in a fast way by having proper discussion , different experience and should have survey about having different mission with working team of the organization. Study any changes that may be required in wording of the mission statement can leads to any new suggested strategies during a recent strategic planning process which can affect its working.( Managementhelp, 2010) Creating New Value Propositions In order for a company to move to an unique position on the value frontier, it must change its strategies. Value propositions can be changed along four dimensions (price, place, product and promotion) to achieve one of the four strategies which alter positions on or of the value frontier (extending toward the low-end, toward the high-end, and shifting the frontier). First, a company must identify which of the four strategies is appropriate. Extending the frontier toward the low-end is worthwhile if the low-end frontier point in a specific industry can compete with the high-end point in another industry (e.g., low-cost air travel competing with buses) or if customers would be interested in a product/service of lower performance at a lower price. Extending the frontier toward the high-end can be considered when the high-end in a specific industry can compete with the low-end point in another industry (e.g., high-quality prepared pasta competing with restaurants) or when there are customers willing to pay for more performance than what is currently available. If neither option makes sense, then shifting the frontier is the only alternative. This has traditionally been the basis of market competition. Changing value propositions to achieve such frontier changes rely on changing one or more of the four dimensions. Managers need to think of innovating ways to reduce price, risk, and efforts as well as to address the multiple roles customer play, such as having customers co-create some of the work. So now we will focus on transforming product performance by suggesting generic ways of changing product/service attributes. Desired attributes are those most often already delivered in another customer segment, but unreachable at the price point of customers who also desire them. Technological innovation is the most common lever for bringing down the price points to deliver such attributes to a new market segment. For instance, British Airways started providing individual color screens to every economy class passenger when matrix display technology got advanced enough to lower the costs sufficiently. One way to elicit these attributes is to find out what performance level customers would ask for if they had unlimited resources. What service could be delivered to them? And are there any ways to provide some of these services at a more reasonable price (e.g. British Airways adding beds to airplanes). So to answer these question British Airways must improve it. (Source: archive.nyu.edu, 2010) Improved value proposition of British Airways Upgrade customer experience via the introduction of text and mobile services for business class customers as well as regular customers and maintain low price for all types of services. Defining/ Implementation of the Plan Value Propositions and Value Frontier The first step in the process is to define the value frontier. This is fairly easy to do. Managers must first identify what their competitors offer in terms of performance and cost. A value frontier extends from low-cost substitutes to fulfill a specific need (automobile or railway vs. aircraft) to high-end embellishments that are currently offered at high prices and define superior performance . Thus, we ask managers to consider ways of fulfilling core needs beyond the ways currently offered in their industry segment. This is a critical first step in identifying new strategies. Once the value frontier is defined, what are the value propositions of the companies along the frontier? What are the performance, price, risk and effort attributes across customer roles that define the companies on the frontier? Defining the value proposition of different locations on the frontier allows managers to elicit key attributes for differentiation. It also forms the basis for comparing the companies value propositions with a competitors. It should avoid price related struggles and should adopt policies which comprises of low prices. Good communication channels should be adopted in order to avoid confusion about the services been provided to the customers. Better quality of technology should be use to entertain the customers in flight. Should not promise the customers to deliver the services which are cannot be fulfilled. BA should provide its customers with hot meals in all kind of flights. It reflects good impression on the customers. BRITISH AIRWAYS SHOULD ADOPT NEW MARKETING MIX Suppliers, shareholders, customers and employees are not rivals for the battle for profits they are partners, and will be more successful once they learn to work together. (Egan and Thomas, 1998) NEW MARKETING MIX FOR BRITISH AIRWAYS On the basis of status financial British Airways is relatively stable to other companies in the air transport industry, and it has positioned itself as a best service provider. It has formed alliances with other carriers, and has already segmented its market successfully. The best strategy for the BA is to follow the strategic plan it has made and monitor that all of its activities support that strategic focus. Product strategy Product is always been the most important aspect for the organizations success. It needs to be advanced and achieve very careful in order to be successful. British Airways product strategy comprises of good quality services, quality of flights leads to various destinations through Europe and rest of the world. It has executive class, business class, speed, security, support facilities and having experience of several years. To satisfy its customers should it provides them with their basic need to other alternatives too and fulfill their demands. Pricing strategy Pricing strategy followed by British Airways is Price Discrimination. There is a condition of price war between different airline companies as the new breed of airlines, the so called low cost airlines is growing fast. The most successful among these low cost carriers are Southwest Airlines (USA), Ryan air (Ireland), easy jet (UK). So British Airways should adopt the policy of low price. Promotional strategy British Airways launched an advertising campaign to promote the trial of its First and Club World services. As part of the campaign, British Airways is offering new members of its Executive Club Canada frequent flyer program free economy class tickets for two to a global destination in exchange for their opinion about their flying experience in First Class or Club World this will help in attracting customers. Place British Airways working globally should focus on its key destination countries and should adopt such policies to meet the demands of its customers on time. CONCLUSION British Airways remains cautiously optimistic about its future prospects. However, it is certain that considerably more work lies ahead if the airline is to succeed. Rising prices could place BA in a disadvantageous position, particularly given the continued popularity of budget airlines. This is an important factor for BA to consider. BA must understand that the key growth area for BA is likely to be in value-added travel. In some areas, BA found that it could improve customers experience while reducing costs, such as in its building up of online sales. Overall, BA must continue to strive to reduce costs and improve customer and employee satisfaction. List of References 123HELPME 2010, Product Strategy of the British Airways [Online] Available at: http://www.123helpme.com/view.asp?id=121683 [Accessed on 05 December 2010 ]. Business dictionary 2010,customer value [online] Available at:http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/customer-value.html [Accessed on 06 December 2010]. Business dictionary 2010, value proposition [online] Available at: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/value-proposition.html [ Accessed on 05 December]. ba.com 2010 (Official Website) Available at: www.ba.com[Accessed on: 30th November]. 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